Push-Ups | How to do

Push Ups How To Do Can Help You Improve Your Health.

Push Ups How To Do This can be one of your favorite exercises, because you can do it easily. You do not even need special preparation for this. One of the advantages of push ups is that it is a wide chest exercise that you can do anywhere. But before starting Push Ups how To Do, it is very important to know a few things.

Push Ups How To Do

How Push Ups How To Do Can Help You Improve Your Health.

Along with balanced diet, physical exercise is also necessary to keep the body fit and healthy. Exercise can help in keeping the body fit as well as keeping many types of diseases away. In addition, stamina of the body also increases by exercising regularly. In this article of stylecrease, we are talking about one such special exercise i.e. push ups. In this article, we will explain what is push up. Also, we will give information about the benefits of push ups and how to do this exercise. Also keep in mind that before starting any physical exercise, it is necessary to take training from a trainer and it will be beneficial only by doing it regularly.

Here we are the first to explain what a push up is.

Push up workout

Push ups are a common exercise in which the entire body is placed parallel to the ground and kept upright. By placing the palms on both sides of the chest, the body is made up and down by emphasizing the arms and shoulders. In this state, the entire weight of the body is on the palms and toes of the feet. Push-ups can be helpful in strengthening the muscles, triceps and shoulders, as well as increasing the strength of the body.

After knowing about Push Ups How To Do, here we are explaining the types of push ups.

Types of push ups for chest

Push ups can be done in many ways. But, here we are telling you about some of its special and common types:

Standard push ups: This is the most common way of doing push ups. In this, the hands are placed parallel to the shoulder and some distance between the legs.

Modified Push Ups: In this method of push ups, the hands are kept parallel to the shoulders, but the knees remain adjacent to the ground. For those who are doing push ups for the first time, this method is best for the beginning.

Wide push ups: In this push up, the legs are fully stretched and your hands are pushed upwards keeping the hands at some distance from the shoulders. This method is also easier for people doing push ups for the first time.

Narrow push ups: In this method of push ups, the hands are placed inward near the chest. This method may seem a bit daunting in the beginning.

Other types of push-ups

There are several types of push-ups, such as diamond push-ups, tee push-ups, spider push-ups, one-armed push-ups, Scorpion push-ups, clip push-ups, etc. But do the usual push apps in the beginning and try these different types later.

 Correct way - Push Ups How To Do

Choose place

Select a flat spot before doing push-ups. You can place a mat or mat at that place as per your convenience. So that your body is not dirty.

Little warm-up

A little warm-up is very important before doing push-ups. Because it is also a type of strength training exercise which is done without gym equipment. Warming up makes your body a little ready for this exercise and there is no problem.

Lie on your stomach

After the warm-up start the push-ups. First of all, lie flat on the mat with the abdomen straight. During this time your whole body should be straight.

Arms and legs

During push-ups, the most important role is that of your hands and feet, because your entire body is carrying them. Place it on the toes of hands and feet before pushup. Keep the knees straight, keep the feet straight as well. Then air your whole body.

How to breathe

You can easily increase the count of push-ups if you have adopted the correct method of breath response during push-ups. While moving the body down, release the breaths and while lifting the body, inhale the breaths inward.

How many pushups per day

If you are going to start push apps, then avoid doing too much at once. Make 3 sets of this, start with three sets of 10-10. Later increase the number according to your capacity.

Is it risky to do daily push ups

There is a danger of doing one exercise every day that after a few days your body cannot be challenged for any other exercise. Because your body gets used to doing the same type of exercise. This is because your muscles adapt and improve their function when they are stressed. Therefore it is important to continue challenging your muscles to improve your strength and physical fitness level. It is also important to have the right form if you are going to do push ups every day. Pushups without the right form can cause injury.

For example, if you do not do Push Ups How To Do properly then you may experience lower back pain or shoulder pain. If you are going to do push ups for the first time then it can be a bit difficult for you. For this you can also start doing push ups by kneeling on the ground. Let us know in detail Push Ups How To Do this exercise.

When to do push-ups

Exercise in the morning is more beneficial, since exercise is very important to make your body energized after getting up from sleep. Apart from this, the weather in the morning is also suitable for exercise, so do push-ups during the morning.

 Push Ups How To Do for beginners male/female

Push Ups How To Do on knee

If you have just started a gym and you do not know what is the right way to do push-up? So you have to take care of these things so that your push-up movement is absolutely correct. Not only for a beginner, if you have a lot of time doing gym or any other exercise and you do not know how to push-up, then you have to keep these tips in mind.

Push-up on knee is a very easy way to do it. First of all, you have to lay a mat. After that you have to sit on your knees with both your legs. After that you have to put one leg on the other and bend it lightly from knee. After this you have to spread both your palms on the mat. After this you have to start your body movement.

In which first you have to lightly bend your straight elbows and go down towards the floor. You have to take special care that your hips are above your knee. After this you have to touch your chest with the floor. In this, your elbows stay in your shoulders. And gradually you have to do it about 15-20 times.

Push Ups- How To Do incline pushup

The way to do this exercise is very easy, you can do it anywhere and any place. For this, you can take the support of a chair or your bed. Or you can do it with support from the wall. In this, you have to make an angle of 130 degrees from your body. In which you have to take special care that both of your legs stay backwards. In this, your waist and your hips should be perfectly straight.

After this you have to bind both your elbow slowly and touch your chest with the wall or bed. You have to do this about 10-15 times. If you do this incline push-up daily then there will be a lot of improvement in your body posture. This exercise affects your upper chest muscles as well as your back.

Push -Ups How To Do decline pushups.

You will need some support to do this exercise. For which you have to put a box or any hard thing under your feet. After this you have to spread both your hands on the floor. And slowly move your body like an incline push-up. It targets your triceps and biceps well. Apart from this, there is especially your core engagement in it. With an exericse, you can exercise more than half of your body muscles.

Benefits of push ups


1. strengthen hands, shoulders and chest

A research was done on Korean university students to find out how push ups are beneficial for hands, shoulders and chest. Research published on the website of NCBI (National Center for Biotechnology Information) states that doing push-ups causes muscle strain. Also strengthen hands, shoulders and chest

2. Relieve backache

Poor lifestyle and careless physical activity can cause back pain. In such cases, push ups can help reduce this problem to some extent. Research has found that doing push-ups improves muscle strength. Also, a stretch in the muscle can be helpful in reducing pain by removing stiffness. People who have lower back pain can benefit from push ups. At the same time, there is also a body acuity

3. Benefits of push ups increase muscle density
With increasing age you begin to reduce muscle density which changes the way your body uses and burns energy. Exercise is a good way to improve muscle density. To build muscle in different parts of your body, you are required to regularly outline the ideal number of push-ups.

4. Advantages of doing push ups for upper body development

Push up exercises are very good for our workouts, it is very helpful for the development of our upper body and chest. When you do a push-up, you have to pull your abdomen towards your spine to keep your back straight, which expands your chest. It not only opens your arms but also your chest, back and shoulders.

Doing push ups every day will help you in gaining strength. But keep in mind that you have to do some other types of exercises in addition to push ups after some time to challenge your muscles.

5.  Advantages of push ups to lose weight

Increasing weight or obesity can cause many types of problems. Push Ups How To Do can be beneficial to overcome this problem. There is some research available on this topic on the NCBI website. According to these, people who do push-ups, along with heart problems, obesity can also be reduced to a great extent (5). For the time being, further research needs to be done in this regard.

After knowing the advantages of push ups, now we are talking about how to do push ups exercises.

6. There is a deficiency in cardiac disease

According to one study, the risk of heart diseases is reduced in men who do push ups. Therefore push ups become necessary not only for your upper body but also for your heart. Avoiding heart diseases in this way topped the advantages of push ups.

7.Testosterone increases hormone

The benefits of Push Ups How To Do are the highest for men as it increases testosterone hormone levels. It is very beneficial for men. It also makes bones stronger. Let me tell you that this is a great workout for men's heart health.


It is important not only Push Ups How To Do but also to do it correctly. To get the benefit of push ups, it is necessary to do it on the right surface. Such a place should not fluctuate. It can also be harmful if you do push ups in a volatile place. It should have a straight waist.

One of the advantages of push ups is weight loss. This reduces your weight, as well as your chest and it also strengthens your hands and feet. In a way, push up is the exercise of all body. If you pay attention to the witch every day with at least half an hour exercise, then your goal is not far away. Hence, start the exercise mentioned today to take advantage of push ups. But in some circumstances you cannot take advantage of push ups, because it will harm your body.

If someone already has shoulder pain or has had rotator cuff or bicep tendon surgery, then one should not do push ups. Doing so can increase his shoulder problem.

To do push ups, your upper body and core must be strong. If you have just started exercising, doing push ups can be a bit difficult and harmful for you. For push ups, first you have to strengthen your muscles, so that you can do this exercise without any damage. So you should do dumbbell chest press planks and triceps extensions etc. in the beginning.

Push ups are considered a daily exercise to lose weight, but do not do push ups if you are overweight. If you do this, your wrists may be in pain, because doing push ups puts the entire weight of your body on your wrists. Reduce your weight before doing push ups.

People who have problems with elbow, wrist and shoulder joints should not do push ups. If you are suffering from osteoarthritis, doing push ups can be painful. Do not do push ups in these cases unless your doctor advises you. This joint problem can be caused by over-exercising, weak exercise technique or an accident related to the joints.

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