Does Yoga helps with back pain | Yoga Poses for Back Pain

Yoga poses to help with back pain | Yoga helps with back pain    

Yoga helps with back pain

According to Gaurav Arya of Yoga Expert, Yoga has become a necessity in today's time. Can Yoga helps with back paindoes yoga help with back pain. This is one of the most important problems of today.

 The Answer is, Yes Yoga can cure 100% back pain problems. Yogasana is considered very beneficial for relieving back pain. Back pain is an unbearable pain, due to which many types of problems can arise due to this, your entire day plans are locked. Our spine is responsible for keeping the whole body healthy in one way or the other. It is like a root which strengthens the body and keeps it straight.

So let's first know what is back pain. And what are the symptoms.

   What is back pain?

What is back pain?

 When a person feels a stretch in the upper, middle or lower part of the peat, it is called back pain or back pain.
However, if you do yoga properly, then back pain can be cured by 90%. Back pain can also be cured by resting or exercising, but if a person does not get relief from these methods then it is necessary to seek medical help.

What can be the causes of back pain?

Lack of calcium- The possibility of back pain (back pain) is mainly in people who have calcium deficiency in their body.

Mostly sitting for long hours - In today's present day most people will have to sit and work. In such situation, people are more likely to have back pain (back pain).

Suffering from Arthritis- Back pain (back pain) can also occur to those who suffer from Arthritis. Such people should complete their Arthritis test so that they do not have any serious disease.

Seating posture is not correct- often, you must have seen people who do not have proper sitting posture. Such people are more likely to have back pain.

Not exercise- Usually, it is believed that all of us should do at least 15-30 minutes of exercise. Exercise is helpful in making our body flexible. Despite this, some people do not exercise. Because of this they can have a lot of health problems including back pain (back pain).

 Yoga poses to help with back pain

  • Adho Mukha Svanasana
  • Bhujangasana | Cobra Pose
  • Setu Bandhasana | Bridge Pose
  • Balasana Yoga | Child’s Pose
  • Locust Pose | Salabhasana
  • Pavanamuktasana Yoga | Gas Release Pose
  • Paschimottanasana | Seated Forward Bend
  • Ustrasana yoga | Camel Pose
  • Dhanurasana yoga | Bow Pose

1.Adho Mukha Svanasana

Adho Mukha Svanasana | How to Adho Mukha Svanasana:

Practicing the reverse dog posture, Yoga helps with back pain      
And sciatica. The name of this asana is derived from Sanskrit language which means a dog with a downward face. The person looks like a dog when he bends forward in the facing dog posture. It helps reduce imbalance in the body and improves strength. If you are doing yoga poses for beginners then you can do Adho Mukh Savasana
How to Adho Mukha Svanasana:

To do this asana, first of all, spread a yoga mat and stand upright on it. Keep a slight gap between your two legs. Now bend forward and place both your hands on the ground.

Keep both feet away from the hands so that your hands and spine come in a straight line. There will be a 90 degree angle between your leg and chest. While in the facing dog posture, breathe five to seven times.

2. Bhujangasana | Cobra Pose

Bhujangasana  Cobra Pose |

Bhujangasana is an excellent asana for curing back pain. This asana strengthens your spine and buttocks. It stretches your chest, shoulders and abdomen along with it also helps in relieving tension.

How to do Bhujangasana Yoga:

To do this asana, lie down on the abdomen by laying a yoga mat. Place the lower hand slightly ahead of the shoulders on the ground and lift only your torso above the floor. Slowly turn your head backwards and try to make the chin upwards. Keep in mind that the body below your hips should remain on the ground. Do this asana for one to three minutes.

3. SetuBandhasana | Bridge Pose

Setu Bandhasana | Bridge Pose

Setubandha asana is very beneficial in back pain. It extends the spine, relieves back pain and reduces headaches. This asana is very beneficial in the stretch of the hamstrings, gluteus muscles and spinal muscles.

How to do Sethubandhasana Yoga:

To do the Sethubandha posture, lay a yoga mat on it and lie straight on it, now bend your legs from here at the knees and lift your hips up, join your two hands under your back. While living in this position, breathe 20 times and come out of the situation, if you do this action 3 times, you will benefit in back pain.

4. Balasana Yoga | Child’s Pose 

 Balasana Yoga | Child’s Pose

Balasana is a very beneficial Yoga helps with back pain. Child pose is not only a wonderful way to relax, but it can also stretch your entire back and your hips. This asana also extends your hips, thighs and ankles. Practicing this pose can help relieve stress and fatigue.

How to do Balasana Yoga:

To do this yoga asana, first of all sit on a yoga mat in Vajrasana or kneeling. Place your hips on your ankles, breathe inward and keep both your hands straight upwards, keeping your palm open and fingers in it.

While exhaling, slowly bend the upper part of the body on the floor and keep your forehead (head) on the ground. In this, both your hands will also be directly on the floor. Do this asana for at least 1 to 3 minutes.

5. Locust Pose | Salabhasana

Shalabhasana is a very useful asana for strengthening the muscles of the back and the spine. This asana derives its name from the Sanskrit word Shalabh which means Jhingur. This asana stretches and tones the entire part of your body.

How to do Shalabhasana Yoga:

To do this asana, you place a yoga mat in one place and lie on it on your stomach. Keep both hands and feet straight on the floor. Now raise your torso and both legs upwards. Together raise both hands. You try to stay in this posture for at least 20 seconds.

6. Pavanamuktasana Yoga | Gas Release Pose

By doing Pawanmuktasana Yoga helps with back pain. This yoga asana helps to stretch the hips, waist, legs and their muscles. It is also known to reduce lower back pain. Doing this yoga practice also relieves stress. In addition, regular practice of Pawanmuktasana reduces joint mobility. This yoga practice and healthy lifestyle and balanced diet can help reduce the symptoms of arthritis. Due to this, this asana helps in relieving back, waist and joint pain.

How to do Pawanmuktasana Yoga

In this posture, first of all lie down on your back. Keep in mind that your hands are close to the body.

Now take a deep breath and bend the right leg from the knee. Now hold the knee with both your hands and try to connect with the chest.

Now you have to raise the head while exhaling and touch the nose with the knee.
Stay in this state for a few seconds.

Now, while exhaling, bring your feet and head to the initial state.

After the process of right leg is completed, do this asana on the left side and then do both the legs together.

You can do this asana four to five times to relieve back pain.

7. Paschimottanasana | Seated Forward Bend

Paschimottanasana  Seated Forward Bend

By doing this asana, the spine becomes elastic and strong. It can also help in curing all diseases of the spine. In addition, reducing body fat can also help in reducing obesity. Therefore, it is believed that performing this Yoga helps with back pain. According to a research, women doing this yoga helped in improving the mobility of the spine as well as strengthening the back muscles. This yoga is also considered helpful in relieving spinal pain. At the moment, more research on this topic has also been suggested.

How to do Paschimottanasana Yoga:

To perform Paschimottanasana, first of all sit with both legs spread straight, but make sure that there is no distance between the legs.

In this state the neck, head and spine should be straight.

Then keep both hands on the knees.

After that, while exhaling, try to catch the toes while bending forward and try to touch the forehead with the knee.

After that, try to touch the ground with elbows by bending the arms down.

Stay in this state for a few seconds and breathe normally.

After this, slowly get up and return to normal.

You can repeat this asana two to three times to relieve back pain.

8. Ustrasana yoga | Camel Pose 

Ustrasana and Camel pose are also considered good for relieving back pain. By doing this Yogasan, back pain can also be cured to some extent. In fact, during Ustrasana, the waist is fully stretched, increasing its flexibility and relieving pain. This yogasana can also help strengthen muscles.

How to do Uttrasana Yoga:

To perform Ustrasana, start Yogasana by sitting in the position of Vajrasana.
Then stand on your knees.
After that, take a deep breath, bending backwards, hold the left heel with the left hand and the right heel with the right hand.
During this time, your mouth should be facing towards the sky.
Now in this position, the weight of the entire body should be on your hands and feet.
Stay in this position for a while and breathe normally.
After a few minutes, slowly return to the initial state.
You can do this asana four to five times to relieve back pain.

8. Dhanurasana yoga | Bow Pose 

Dhanurasana yoga  Bow Pose

Dhanurasana is done on the stomach. This asana is also considered to be a very effective Yoga helps with back pain. It helps to strengthen the muscles of the spine and abdomen. Therefore, it is believed that by doing this Yogasan, the pain of back and back is cured.

How to do Dhanurasana Yoga:

Lie on your stomach.

Now bend the knees and hold the ankles firmly with your hands.

Now while breathing, raise your head, chest and thigh upwards.

Keep in mind that in this pose your body shape should be similar to a bow.

Stay in this posture according to the capacity and continue the process of breathing in and out slowly.

To get into the initial state, come down while exhaling for a long time.

You can do this asana four to five times to cure back and back pain.

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