Beginner yoga morning routine | What is a good morning yoga routine?
Yoga expert Gaurav Kumar Arya has provided
very important information about the beginner yoga morning routine, everyone
knows how beneficial it is to do yoga and it is also able to keep you away from
many types of diseases. It always keeps you healthy and healthy.
There are ways to do yoga, however, you can
practice yoga anytime and any time. But doing yoga in the morning is considered
more effective. Today you are studying beginner yoga morning routine.
Yoga keeps you calm in every way and
increases the energy in the body as well as helps in keeping you relaxed. It
connects you to yourself.
In this article, we are telling you today
what kind of benefits you get from doing yoga in the morning and how it is
considered the most effective time to do yoga. And today we will see why beginner
yoga morning routine is considered important
Why you should do yoga every morning?
The five reasons for beginner yoga morning
routine are explained by yoga expert, yoga expert Gaurav Arya. Results of a
research are given in this article.
1. Keep the process of sleep and hormones right
- If you practice Yogasan every morning, then it keeps your sleep process right.
- It exerts a positive effect on the endocrine system in the body.
- Because of which it also keeps the hormone easily by balancing.
- It regulates the melatonin, a hormone that induces sleep in the body.
2. Keeps healthy
- It has been proved in a study that people who get up early in the morning and exercise, they are more healthy.
- These people also do not get tired more than other people and they feel fresh all day.
- You should do your yoga postures before 8 am.
3. Increases metabolism
- Metabolism increases in the body by doing yoga in the morning daily.
- It also keeps your digestive system healthy.
- Fat decreases quickly due to the increase in metabolism in the body.
- If you do yoga in the morning, then the fat of the stomach also decreases very quickly.
- Also, by doing yoga in the morning, your body gets energy for the whole day.
4. Works like caffeine
- By doing yoga in the morning, it acts like caffeine in the body.
- It carries oxygen well in your body and also circulates blood.
- Wakes your brain and makes you feel fresh.
- As you wake up in the morning and drink tea or coffee and feel relaxed, make yoga your morning habit.
- After doing yoga in the morning you will feel yourself more energetic, which will increase your productivity.
5. Keeps away from laziness
- When you do yoga in the morning, it provides good stretching to your body.
- Due to this stretching, you can keep yourself away from laziness throughout the day.
- Also you are able to do your tasks quickly.
- With the practice of yoga, you make your body flexible and your body muscles become very strong.
- Because of this your body remains active throughout the day.
- In this article above, we told you today that if you practice yoga in the morning, then it will prove beneficial for you.
What is a good morning yoga routine?
A yoga routine of 20 minutes has been told by
the yoga expert, that you have to do step by step. And the results of yoga
start coming in a month. In this article, eight yoga poses are given below.
Beginner yoga Poses for morning routine
1.Bound Angle Pose - Baddha Konasana. ...
2.Reclined Bound Angle - Supta Baddha
Konasana. ...
3 Child's Pose – Balasana
4 Wide Angle Seated Forward Bend - Upavistha
5 Reclining Twist - Bharadvaja. ...
6 Inverted leg pose - Viparita Karani. ...
7 . Kapalbharti
8. Anulom Vilom
1.Bound Angle Pose | Baddha Konasana
Method of Bound Angle Pose
- To do this asana, first of all sit down with both feet of Yoga Mate laying.
- You can sit with the help of Dandasana to do Buddha Konasana.
- After this inhale, bend your left leg towards you.
- Then after that, bend your right leg towards you.
- Join the toes of both feet and the fingers of both the feet together.
- Now grab both the claws as much as you can. Do not force it too much to take care.
- After this, raise both your hands and keep them on both knees.
- Now press the knees slowly with both hands so that both the knees are placed on the floor. Keep in mind that if your knees are not coming on the ground, do not try to force it.
- Few days of exercise will bring flexibility in the feet, which will then cause your knees to come to the ground.
- Stay in this posture for 2 to 3 minutes.
- To come out of this asana, inhale your breath, raise both knees above the floor and slowly straighten both legs.
Benefits of performing Baddha konasana:
- This asana is very beneficial for pregnant women. Doing this gives comfort at the time of delivery.
- This is a very important yoga posture for menstrual pain.
- By performing Baddhonasana, the reproductive system of women is increased.
- It helps in improving blood circulation throughout the body.
- This asana is beneficial in relieving stress and also helps in relieving fatigue.
- By doing this asana, you get relief from asthma, infertility and high blood pressure.
- If it is a good posture, it spills the spine.
2.Reclined Bound Angle - Supta Baddha Konasana
Method of performing Supta Baddha Konasana
- To perform this asana, lie on the ground straight and back.
- Then spread both your arms and legs outward.
- Now bend the knees and mix the two ankles of the feet.
- it is very important yoga for beginner yoga morning routine
- Your body posture should be as shown in the picture.
- When you feel comfortable, take at least five deep breaths.
- If you want, you can keep a cylinder pillow to support your back.
Benefits of Supta Baddha Konasana
- It calms the mind and relieves headache.
- By doing this amazing
- This asana relieves stress and cures depression.
- The practice of sleeping bandha konasana activates the ovaries, prostate gland, kidneys and bladder.
- Regularizing this easy stimulates the heart and improves blood circulation.
- If you want to bring the hips into shape then the sleeping bandh konasana is a good option.
- Sleeping Bandha Konnasan reduces muscle tension and gives you relief from tiredness and insomnia.
- By applying the sleeping bandha konasana daily, there is a good stretch in your groin (the middle part of the stomach and the femur), inner thighs and knees.
- This asana fixes the digestive and reproductive system and also treats conditions like bowel syndrome, infertility, menopause.
3 Child's Pose | Balasana
- First of all, sit with your heels high on the ground or mat and take a breath.
- Keep both knees of your feet sticking to each other or at a short distance from each other.
- After this, slowly bend forward in such a way that your forehead touches the ground. During this, exhale your breath lightly.
- Place both your hands on both sides of the body and note that your palms keep touching the body.
- After this, extend your arms forward on the ground or mat and leave the palms spread on the ground.
- After coming in this posture, bring your chest slowly by pressing towards the thighs.
- Your chest should touch both thighs and the palms should be spread on the ground just ahead of the body.
- Remain in this posture for 45 seconds to 1 minute and keep breathing slowly.
- During this time, keep practicing breathing and exhaling at least 4 to 12 times and bring thoughts in your mind that disorders are coming out of your brain and body.
- After this, bring your palms under the shoulder and slowly lift your upper body and return to the previous position and sit and breathe on the ankles. Perform all these actions with ease.
- Practice this yoga pose many times.
Benefits of Balasana
- It relieves chest, back and shoulder pain.
- Helps reduce stress and anxiety.
- Helps lengthen the spine.
- Promotes blood circulation throughout the body.
- Aids in quitting smoking addiction.
- Practicing this brings a glow to the face.
4 Wide Angle Seated Forward Bend | Upavistha
Method of Upavistha Konasana
- To do Upavistha konasana
- Sit down first, then spread the legs and spread the legs in such a way that they make a 90 degree angle with your pelvic.
- Keep your paws straight and twist your fingers in and out. This will make you feel a curve in your lower back.
- If you are not able to do this, then you can use the attainment. You sit on a firm pillow, this will give stability to your pelvis and will be easier to bend down.
- Place your palms on the floor, and place it in such a way that it stays behind your hips. Take long and deep breaths.
- Breathe in such a way that your body feels light and the space in the spine seems empty. In this position, wait for a few seconds until your legs feel good.
- Now support your lower back. Release the breath while taking air from the stomach. Then slowly bring the arms towards the front.
- The longer you can breathe, the more the body stretches. You have to stretch your spine for as long as you can. Stop breathing when you start feeling uncomfortable. Take long and deep breaths and try to stay in this pose for a minute.
- Then, exhaling, return to normal. Bend your knees and bend your legs together....
Benefits of Upavistha Konasana.
- Gives good stretch to the lower and inner parts of the legs.
- The organs within the abdomen are toned and stimulate.
- Strengthens the spine.
- Frees the groin.
- The partner of the groin gives a good stretch to the muscles.
- Relaxes the body and calms the mind.
- Cures sciatica and arthritis.
- Helps to cleanse the kidneys.
- Stretches the hamstrings.
- Activates core muscles.
- Six packs help in achieving abs with yoga.
- Helps reduce lower body fat.
- Very effective in relieving asthma.
- Helps enhance sexual desire.
- Yoga is the leading posture of weight loss resolution.
5 Bharadvaja Twist | Bharadvajasana
Method of Bharadvaja asana
- Sit on the floor after laying the pedestal and keep your feet straight in front, keep the hands in the normal posture.
- Now bend the knees in such a way that all your weight is on the right hips.
- Now place the heel of your right foot on the thigh of the left foot.
- Take deep long breaths and straighten the spine, then exhale slowly and bend the upper part of the body in the opposite direction to the knee.
- You can put your straight hand on the right and the opposite hand on the left knee for support.
- Keep the spine straight with each breath.
- Turn your head to the left and look over your left shoulder and stay in this position for a while.
- Now slowly exhale and come back to normal.
- Now do the same process in the opposite direction (ie, the opposite direction in the direction you have done now).
Benefits of bhardvaja asana
- Bharadvajasana causes a stretch in the muscles of the upper part of the body, which opens up the years of stubborn muscles and also reduces the complaints of back pain.
- By doing this asana, your stomach gets stretched, due to which the fat on the lower side reduces.
- This asana has a positive effect on the organs present in your stomach, thereby eliminating constipation and digestive diseases.
- This posture has a good effect on your brain, by which you feel relaxed and balance of body and mind also remains. So that you remain stress free.
- It keeps the blood circulation in your body smooth.
- It reduces lower back pain, cystic pain and back pain.
6 Inverted leg pose | Viparita Karani
- First of all sit close to the wall.
- Lie on your back.
- Now straighten the legs by attaching them to the wall.
- Now raise your legs on the wall. Do this slowly.
- Now raise your hips upwards. Support the body with your hands.
- Keep your neck, shoulders and face steady.
- In this state, take deep breaths for 5 minutes and then exhale. Slowly come out of this state.
- Practicing this asana relaxes the feet. Muscles are strong.
- Helps keep you mentally and physically worry free.
- Arthritis patients should also practice it. Relieves arthritis pain.
- Helps relieve insomnia and depression.
- Doing this every day prevents urinary disorders.
- Even if there is a problem of migraine, regular practice of it provides relief from pain.
- Blood flow in the body is better.
7. Head to Knee Forward Bend - Janu Sirsasana.
- To do Janushirasasan, you sit on a clean place with a yoga mat, with both feet of the bed straight in front.
- You can also sit in the posture of dandasana to do this asana.
- Keep both hands straight on the ground and keep the spine straight.
- Stretch the fingers on the feet so that the toes are pulled towards you.
- Stay in this posture for a few seconds and then do the following action.
- Now take the breath inward and keep your right foot on the thigh of the left leg by turning.
- With both your hands upward, stand up straight.
- After this, tilt your upper body down and bend from here at the waist.
- Hold the toes of the left foot with the finger in both your hands. Keep in mind that your left leg should not bend.
- Now keep your head on the knee of the left leg.
- In this condition, you stay for a while and breathe 5 to 10 times.
- In this position, only your left leg and left ax will be stretched.
- After this, open both your hands and be straight.
- Now again you have to do the same procedure with your left foot, for this you put your left foot on the thigh of the right foot.
- Now again do the same action with the other leg.
- Do this asana only for 1 to 2 minutes, do not exceed it.
Benefits of this asana:
- Stress is removed.
- Peace of mind.
- Excess fat in the stomach goes away.
- The pain in the waist goes away.
- Kidney and liver function smoothly.
- The blood pressure remains correct.
- Asthma and sinus relaxes.
- Digestion also remains healthy.
7 . Kapalbharti
Always do Kapalbhati Pranayam in the morning,
because the atmosphere of the morning is calm and pure. You will get more
benefit from this. Keep in mind that before and after Kapalbhati, do not eat
anything for a while.
Before doing Kapalabhati Pranayama, spread a
clean and clean yoga mat or any bed sheet to sit on.
Now sit in any comfortable posture like
Padmasana, Sukhasana or Vajrasana. Keep both your hands on your knees.
Sit in a meditative posture while keeping
your spine straight.
Now forget all the worries of your mind.
Now take deep long breaths and release
slowly. Do this at least twice.
Then exhale through the nose. When exhaling,
pull the paint inward.
You have to do this continuously. Do not stop
in the middle. Also, keep in mind that keep the mouth closed. Neither leave or
take breath from him.
The breath has to be exhaled only through the
nose and light breath should be taken only through the nose.
Doing this 15 to 20 times leads to a round of
Kapalbhati Pranayama.
You can do three rounds like this and then
sit for a while in meditation posture and meditate. This will give comfort to
your body and mind.
- By doing this regularly, liver and kidney work better.
- By doing this, the body gets energy and you do not feel tired.
- If there is a problem of dark circles under the eyes, then by doing this regularly, the dark circles are eliminated.
- Blood circulation is cured by doing skullabhuti and metabolicism of the body is also good.
- When blood circulation is good, your brain will work well.
- Lungs work well due to exhalation process.
- By regularly doing kapalbhati, memory increases and the mind is also sharp.
- It cures many diseases related to teeth and hair.
- This pranayama is also very beneficial in reducing abdominal fat. Doing this regularly reduces weight.
- Kapalbhati is also helpful in relieving stomach related problems like constipation, gas, acidity.
- It main yoga for beginner yoga morning routine
Method of Anulom Vilom Pranayama
- First of all, bend both legs and sit as given in the picture. That is, first take the posture of Sukhasana.
- After that, calmly stay in that posture for a few minutes.
- After that, close your right nostril (Nostril) with the thumb of your right hand and take as much breath as you can slowly from your left nostril.
- After filling the breath completely in your chest, slowly close your left nostril with the thumb and slowly exhale through the right nostril.
- After that, take a long breath slowly from the same left nostril and close the left nostril and exhale slowly through the right nostril.
- Repeat this process 7-10 times. And do it 2-3 times daily.
Benefits of anulom vilom pranayama
- This also strengthens the digestive system.
- Anulom Vilom Pranayama is very beneficial to relieve anxiety and tension of the mind.
- High blood pressure / high blood pressure / hypertension is also away from Anulom Vilom Pranayama.
- Anulom Antonym Yoga does not have any kind of side effects and you can lose weight with its help.
- Blockage in the heart is removed by this asana.
- Complaints of migraine / migraine pain are also relieved.
- This pranayama is beneficial in removing constipation or acidity.
- Anulom inverse pranayama has also proved to be very beneficial for asthma patients.
- Many types of allergies are also overcome by this asana.