Is Yoga For Back Pain The Most Trending Thing Now

Yoga For Back Pain | Yoga Poses For Back Pain 

Yoga For Back Pain

Why Yoga For Back Pain The Most Trending Thing Now. In today's bustling lifestyle, there is no time to think for yourself. In such a situation, many parts of the body get affected very much. The most pressure is on our waist. Back pain or back pain make women more upset. Regular practice of yogasanas can help you get relief from back pain. Some yoga poses for beginners are considered very beneficial in these back pains.

Causes:Yoga for back pain

  According to Ayurveda, this can be avoided by catering and lifestyle changes. Know what are the reasons and how to save-

These are the main causes of back pain, learn about it

Kamardard means low-back pain associated with lifestyle. Spinal pain is called cutaneous in Ayurveda. This problem is caused by Vata dosha. According to Ayurveda, this can be avoided by catering and lifestyle changes. Know what are the reasons and how to save-


Eating foods with spicy and astringent foods such as chilli and oily foods, spicy food, food stored in the fridge, soft drinks, ice cream, excessive seeded fruits and vegetables like guava, brinjal, kachri, parwal, etc. is a problem of under-nutrition.

The vihara [Habits]

Excessive fasting, excessive exercise, sleeping on a mattress bed, using thick pillowcases, sitting with a waist and neck bent over a chair, more use of a two-wheeler, spending more time with the TV and computer are also reasons.


Weight gain on spine, hormone imbalance, constipation, hernia, cesarean delivery.


Due to tobacco, gutkha, zarda, bidi, cigarette, bone dysfunction and hollowness make the condition of the patient. One of the reasons is bone loss in old age, due to the weight of the womb during pregnancy or due to injury to the waist.


The main symptoms are low to moderate pain in the waist, heaviness in the waist, spreading pain from the waist to the calves, numbness in the legs, difficulty in walking and lying down.

Take care of them

1. While sitting, keep the waist, shoulder, neck straight and do not sit in the same position continuously.
2. Use a bed while sleeping and use a thin pillow.
3. Get up on the left or right side while getting up from the bed.
4. Avoid putting pressure on the waist while lifting heavy objects and support the waist while lifting weights in urgent circumstances.
5. Do not ignore it for long, seek medical advice.

Yoga for back pain poses

Some Yogasanas such as Adradhakatichkrasana, Adradha Chandrasana, Vakrasana, Bhujangasana, Dhanurasana, Setubandhasana [Bridge pose] and pulse refinement, can perform pranayama like  Anulom-Vilom .

1.Makarasana | Crocodile Pose | Yoga for back pain                                                                             

Makarasana  Crocodile Pose  Yoga for back pain

 Makarasan is counted in the postures lying on the stomach. In the last stage of this asana, the shape of our body looks like a crocodile, which is why it is called Makarasan. While Makarasan ends asthma and respiratory diseases, it is a panacea for back pain.

How to do the makarasan

    * Lie on your stomach, chin (chin), chest and stomach are touching the ground.
    Make a distance between your legs equal to your yoga mat.
    * Now lift the head and bring both hands to the cheek and make a cup shape.
    * Slowly bring both feet up from the bottom towards your hips and then slowly move down.
  * This is a cycle. This way you do ten cycles.

Benefits of makarasan

Although there are many benefits of this asana, but some important benefits are being mentioned here.

  * For the spine: This is the best yoga practice for the spine. Keeping this entire spinal cord healthy
  * Back Pain: This is a great yoga practice for back pain. With its regular practice you can get rid of back pain forever.
   * For depression: By practicing this asana you can overcome depression to a great extent.
  * To relieve tiredness: It is very beneficial in removing tiredness.
  * In Asthma: By practicing this you can increase your lung capacity as well as asthma.
  * Indigestion: It helps in removing indigestion and keeps the digestive system fine.
  * In gout: This is a good practice for gout patients.
  * Mental diseases: This is a great yoga practice for mental patients.
  * Supports shoulder stiffness: You can reduce your shoulder stiffness.
   * Hypertension: It is beneficial in high blood pressure.
 * Slip disc: A good practice for slip disc patients.
* For sleep: By doing this yoga properly, you can overcome the problem of sleep.
  * Blood circulation: Increases blood circulation in the body.
* Knees: It is beneficial for knees.

2. Bhujangasana | Cobra Pose | Yoga for back pain  

Bhujangasana | Cobra Pose | Yoga for back pain
Bhujangasan is also counted in the postures lying on the stomach. In the last stage of this asana, the shape of our body appears like a snake with a funk, that's why it is called Bhujangasana.

How to do the Bhujangasana:

* To do Bhujang posture, first choose a clean and clean airy place. After that, lie down on the stomach by laying posture (mat).
  * Then lengthen and spread both the corners well. And apply chin on the ground. Keeping both elbows adjacent to the ribs on both sides, place the palms of both hands on the ground. (Note- Remember that the claws of your hands should be straight and should be on the ground, and both elbows should be straight and curved).
  * While doing Bhujang Asana, take special care that the claws of both the hands should always be placed just below the both shoulders (on the ground).
  * Now attach your head to the ground. And then close both your eyes and fill the breath inside the body, slowly raise the chin, then lift the neck up towards the sky. Then raise your chest slowly. And then lift your stomach part slowly up.
   * Now forward, while moving the neck upwards, the back is to bend backwards (like a command). To get up, apply force from the body, apply as little force as possible on the hands. Keep in mind that by applying the forelimbs of both legs on the ground, try to elevate the anterior part of the body at normal speed.
* After coming to this posture of Bhujang Asana, open both your eyes and keep the breathing normal (breathe in and out at normal speed). And maintain this asana mudra from twenty seconds to thirty seconds at first. Then start moving the body upward.
  * Initially, after returning to the posture by which you started the posture by lying on your stomach, rest your posture by putting your head on both hands or applying your head from the ground, for as long as the Bhujang posture. Are.

*Back Pain: This is a great yoga practice for back pain. With its regular practice you can get rid of back pain forever
* After doing Bhujangasana, fatigue should be eradicated by doing embalming.

Benefits of Bhujangasana

 * Regular use of Bhujang Asanas helps women in problems related to menstrual cycle. And reproductive diseases also disappear.
 * Performing Bhujang asana strengthens the back bone. Constipation is cured, gas problem disappears. Digestive system is strong and excess fat stored in the stomach also goes away. By doing this exercise in the morning every day, the reed bone becomes elastic.
  * Bhujang asana is beneficial for the patient. Other common diseases of the throat also disappear with the use of Bhujang asana.
   * By doing Bhujangasana, kidney and liver remain healthy. And if a person has suffered from kidney, liver or abdominal diseases, then by performing Bhujang asana, those diseases disappear. This asana also increases the immunity power of the body.
 * People sitting all day doing work increases excess fat around the stomach and waist. If such people do Bhujang Asanas every day, then fat can be reduced rapidly.
   * Bhujangasana improves breathing pattern.


3. Halasana | Plow Pose | Yoga for back pain 

Halasana | Plow Pose | Yoga for back pain

  After doing two asanas on the stomach, now do halasana in the asanas of the back. While doing halasana, the position of the body becomes similar to the plow, hence it is called halasana.

How to do the halasana

* Lie on your back on the yoga mat. Keep your hands close to the body. The palms will stay on the ground. Breathing inward, lift the legs upwards. The legs will make a 90 degree angle from the waist. The pressure will remain on the abdominal muscles.Support the waist with your hands while raising the legs.
 Bend the straight legs towards the head and move the legs behind the head.  Will touch the ground with the toe.
  Remove the hands from the waist and keep them straight on the ground. The palm will remain downwards.
    The waist will be parallel to the ground.
 * Stay in this position for one minute. Focus on the breaths, while exhaling, bring the legs back to the ground.
   * Do not hurry while leaving the seat. Bring the legs back to normal with a uniform speed.

The Benefits Of The Halasana

1. Halasana massages the organs of the digestive system and helps improve digestion.

2. Increases metabolism and helps in weight loss.

3. It is the best posture for diabetes patients as it controls the sugar level.

4. It increases flexibility in the spine and gives relief in back pain.

5. It also helps in dealing with stress and fatigue.

6. Practice of this asana brings peace to the mind.

7. This asana provides good stretch to the spine and shoulders.

8. It also helps eliminate problems associated with the thyroid gland.

9. It is also beneficial in back pain, impotence, sinusitis, insomnia and headache.

10.Back Pain: This is a great yoga practice for back pain. With its regular practice you can get rid of back pain forever

 4.Ardha matsyendrasana | Fishes Pose | Yoga for back pain  

Ardha matsyendrasana | Fishes Pose | Yoga for back pain

 This asana is the most important. It is said that Matsyendrasana was composed by Guru Swami Matsyendranath of Gorakhnath. He used to meditate in this posture. Half-Matsyendrasana became prevalent only with half the action of Matsyendrasana.

How to do the Ardhamatsyandrasana: -

  * Sit with both legs spread in front, bend the left leg and place the eddy near the hip.
  * Place the left foot near the knee of the right foot on the outside.
  * Holding the toe of the right foot while keeping the left hand straight outward near the right knee.
   * Smoke from the back of the right hand and look backwards.
   * The spinal cord should be straight.
  * Keep this state, take long, deep and simple breaths.
   * Exhaling, first loose the right hand, then the waist, then the chest and finally the neck. Sit up straight in comfort.
    * Similarly, do this asana from the other side.

Benefits of Ardhamatsyandrasana: -

    * Beneficial in diabetes and surgery.
     * The page which is spread around the spinal cord in all the veins of the country runs the blood circulation smoothly.
     * Provides strength to the eyes by removing abdominal (stomach) disorders.
     * The spinal cord is strengthened and the flexibility of the spinal cord increases.
     * By spreading the chest, lungs get the right amount of oxygen.
     *beneficial  yoga for back pain .

5.Marjaryasana | Cat Pose | Yoga for back pain 

Pets can also teach us yoga. The eye of a yogi acquires knowledge from the world around him. Marjari asana is an excellent example of cat stuff vibe.

Margery posture = cat posture
* Come on your knees and hands and make the body a table in many ways, make the upper part of the table with your back and make the legs around the table with hands and feet.

How to do Marjaryasana

* Place your palms just below the shoulders, palms sticking to the ground, and keep the gap between the knees as the tendons.

* Keep the neck straight in front of you.
Taking mother-in-law, move your chin upwards towards the back, press your navel to the ground and move the lower part of your waist towards the roof. Shrink both folds. Are you feeling a bit stretched?
Keep this position and take long deep breaths and leave.

* Now do the opposite situation - while exhaling, apply the chin to the chest and lift the back as much as you can in the bow shape, leaving the tendons loose.

* Keep this situation for some time and then come to the host position as before.

* Repeat this process five to six times and relax.

Benefits of Marjaryasana

* Makes the reed bone flexible.

* Increases shoulder and wrist capacity.

* Massages the glands of the digestive process.

* Improves digestive process.
Stomach becomes curvy.

* Increases blood flow in your back posture

6. Markatasana | Spinal Twist Yoga | Yoga for back pain

Mercut means monkey, so this posture is also called monkey posture. While doing this asana, the body shape becomes monkey. This asana is very beneficial for reducing back pain and abdominal fat. By doing this, the flexibility of the body is increased, pain and obesity of hands, legs and back work.

How to do Markatasana

In the first method, lie on the back and keep both hands below the waist. With both legs folded and bend at the knees. Now, twisting the bottom part of the waist, put the feet once on the right side on the ground. In this state, keep the head in the opposite direction. Starting from 10 to 20 seconds, increase the timing.

To do the other method, lie down on the ground. Place the gap between the two legs and bend them from the knees. Now place the left knee on the ground beside the knee and place the right knee on the left toe. In this state, keep the head rotated in the opposite direction.

In the third exercise, lie down on the ground. Taking the right leg straight from the waist, move it as far as possible to the left. The ideal position to do this is to touch the left foot with the right foot on the ground. Similarly, do it with the other leg. While doing this asana, keep the neck in the opposite direction.

Benefits of  Markatasana
Performing Mercut posture relieves back pain and removes Reed's bones. Mercut posture is very beneficial in cervical, abdominal pain, gastric, back pain, indigestion, hips pain, insomnia fatigue. Along with this, our kidneys, pancreas and liver become active by doing mercat asana.

7. Ekapada Uttanasana Yoga for back pain

In this posture, lift one leg straight and stay in this position for some time. Performing one circle of this asana with both feet once is completed. Hence it is called Ekapada Uttanasana.

How to do Ekapada Uttanasana

To do this asana, lie down on the ground and keep both hands below the waist on both sides of the body. Now breathing slowly, keeping the knee straight, raise the right leg straight by making an angle of 60 degrees. In this state, after stopping for some time, return to normal posture. Similarly, repeat this asana with the left leg. You can repeat this 4-5 times in the beginning.

Benefits of  Ekapada Uttanasana

This asana is beneficial in all stomach problems. It is also beneficial for the back pain ,intestines, liver and kidneys. It is also helpful in reducing belly fat. Many diseases of the stomach are cured by this asana.

9.  Ustrasana :Yoga for back pain

Ustrasana is made up of two words, camel and asana. Camel means camel. In this posture, the body looks like a camel, hence it is called by this name. Ustrasana plays an important role in removing anger and physical disorders.

How to do Ustrasana

First of all, you sat on your knees in Vajrasana on the floor. Keep the thighs and feet together, with the paws frozen backwards on the floor. Keep a distance of about one foot between the knees and feet. Now stand on your knees. Breathing, bend backwards and now place the right palm on the right heel and the left palm on the left heel.

Be careful not to jerk the neck while bending back. Body weight should be equally on the arms and legs. Breathe in slowly and exhale slowly. Stop for a while in this state and then come back to your initial state while exhaling for a long time. It was a cycle. In this way you can do it five to seven times.

Benefits of Ustrasana                      

With this asana, you can reduce your abdominal fat. Also, by doing this, diabetes can be controlled to a great extent. It stimulates your pancreas and helps in insulin secretion. This yoga practice helps to calm you down while reducing anger. Practicing this asana helps a lot in back pain.


Friends, the back pain has become a common problem as we told about it in our article. You can get rid of the back pain by doing some yoga for back pain poses . which we have just explained to you in the above article. We request you . Do these asanas under the supervision of an expert and consult your doctor before doing these, if you have cervical pain or have trouble in the back bone, then definitely consult the expert before doing these exercises.

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