Warrior pose | Virabhadrasana | Yoga poses for Beginners

Virabhadrasana | Warrior pose

virabhadrasana mean or warrior pose

What does virabhadrasana mean or warrior pose ?

Virabhadrasana is a Sanskrit word which is made up of two words in which the first word is "Veer" which means "warrior" and the second word is "Bhadra" which means "friend". Warrior pose is an asana celebrating the exploitation of a legendary warrior.
 Veerabhadra is a mythological character created by Lord Shiva and the name Virabhadrasana  Mudra is derived from it. It is an asana honoring the achievements of a legendary warrior.

 Therefore, it is also called Warrior Pose. This asana is considered one of the most beautiful postures in yoga, and by doing this asana exercises the whole body. Let us know in detail how to perform Virabhadrasana.

It is a very simple yogasana, which is considered beneficial for health.. It is also considered an important   yoga pose for beginners 

How to do Virabhadrasana | Warrior pose : -

Method of performing Virabhadrasana

* Veerabhadrasana is the most attractive posture from yogasanas. It brings beauty and gratitude to yoga practice.

* Stand upright with legs spread from 3 to 4 feet away.
* Rotate the right leg 90 degrees and the left leg 45 degrees.

* Check - Keep the right heel in line with the left foot.

* Raise both hands up to the shoulders, palms should be open towards the sky.

* Check - hands parallel to the ground.

* Bend your right knee while exhaling.

* Check - right knee and right ankle should be in a straight line. The knee should not go beyond the ankle.

* Turn the head and look at your right.
* Stabilize the posture and pull your hands slightly.
* Slowly lower the pelvis. Stay steady in this posture like a warrior and keep smiling. Keep breathing until you go down.
* Get up while breathing.
* Bring both hands down while exhaling.
* Repeat this from the left side.

What are the benefits of Virabhadrasana or warrior pose  

* Strengthens hands, feet and waist.

* Increases balance in the body, increases tolerance.

* It is very beneficial for those who sit and work.

* Very effective in shoulder tightness.

* Immediately relieves shoulder tension or shoulder pain.

* Enhances courage, grace and peace.

What are the precautions to be taken while doing Virabhadrasana

* If you have problems with spinal pain, then you must consult a doctor before performing this asana.

* If you have back pain problem, do not do this asana.

* If you have shoulder pain, raise your hands and keep them parallel to each other instead of placing them above your head.

* If you have neck pain then you can keep the neck straight.

* Pregnant women will benefit from performing this asana regularly, especially if they are in their second and third trimesters.

* If you are suffering from knee pain or have arthritis, you can use wall support to do this asana.

* People suffering from heart problems or high blood pressure should avoid this asana.

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