6 Important Yoga poses that immediatly relieve for shoulder pain

6 Important Yoga poses for shoulder pain:-

6 Important Yoga poses for shoulder pain-

In today's modern era, the body suffers a lot of stress. The most stress-prone limbs are your shoulders due to everyday busy urban lifestyles. Man's physical body is like a moving device that remains active throughout the day, moving around and collecting food. All body parts continue to do some work. Still the struggle does not end here, we sit or drive in the car to go to work, sit in front of the computer all day, eat our lunch sitting at our desk, then at home He also comes and sits in front of the TV, as a result of which our shoulders swagger, and gradually become stiff. The right shoulder usually suffers more.

Other causes of shoulder pain include:

• Shoulder pan has become a common problem nowadays due to arthritis.
• torn cartilage
• torn rotator cuff
• swollen bursa sacs or tendons
• bone spurs (bony projections that develop along the edges of bones)
• pinched nerve in the neck or shoulder
• broken shoulder or arm bone
• frozen shoulder
• dislocated shoulder

Does yoga help with shoulder pain?

In the modern sedentary lifestyle, one has to sit in a chair all day, which causes the shoulders to become strained and the shoulders tense. As a result, anxiety and negative feelings converge here. So what kind of activities help defrost these stiff shoulders? Does yoga help with shoulder pain?

Absolutely! There is no doubt that Yogasana helps to relax the muscles of these shoulders and relieve tension. Yogasana relaxes not only the shoulders but also the neck and upper back. It would be better to practice yoga continuously for shoulder pain and it should be learned properly under the direction of a yoga teacher. Whatever part of this will cause pain, yoga gurus will suggest special posture especially for that part

Several important postures of the Yoga Poses For Beginners series can provide relief in shoulder pain. We request you to practice the 12 important postures given in this series.

Which  yoga is best for shoulder pain?

1. Virabhadrasana | Warrior pose

Which  yoga is best for shoulder pain  Virabhadrasana  Warrior pose

·        1 . To perform Veerabhadrasana-3, first of all, spread a yoga mat in a clean place and stand upright on it.

·        2. To do this asana, you can also stand in the posture of Tadasana.

·        3. Now keeping both of your legs straight, tilt your upper body downwards and try to keep both your hands on the floor.

·        4.For this you can also take recourse to uttanasana mudra.

·       5.  With both hands on the floor, raise your left leg and try to straighten the back.

·       6.  After this, slowly raise both your hands.

·        7. Move your torso, ie the upper body, and bring it parallel to the floor.

·       8.  Now straighten both your hands and bring them parallel to the ground.

·       9.  In this position, both your hands, torso (upper body) and feet will be in a straight line.

·     10.   Balance your right foot and try to remain in this posture.

·        11. While in this posture, take 5 to 6 breaths and come down to your initial position while keeping your feet down.

·    12.     Now repeat the same process with the other leg.

What are the benefits of warrior pose?

·        Strengthens hands, feet and waist.

·        Increases balance in the body, increases tolerance.

·        It is very beneficial for those who sit and work.

·        Very effective in shoulder tightness.

·        It is very beneficial yoga for shoulder pain

·        Immediately relieves shoulder tension.

·        Increases courage, grace and peace.

2. Downward Facing Dog  (Adho Mukha Svanasana)

Downward Facing Dog  Adho Mukha Svanasana

How do you do a downward facing dog for beginners?

·              First of all, stand upright on the ground and then with both hands forward, bend down towards the ground.
·             While bending, your knees should be straight and should be just below the hips, while both your hands should not be equal to the shoulders but bend a little before that.
·              Spread the palms of your hands forward in the bent position and keep the fingers parallel.
·             Exhale and bend your knees in the shape of a slight bow and lift the ankles above the ground for a downward Schwannasana posture.
·            At this point, pull your hips enough from the pelvis and press slightly towards the pubis.
·             Keep the hands fully stretched from below the shoulders on the ground, but the fingers should be spread on the ground.
·             After this, bend your knees slightly on the ground and raise the hips as high as possible.
·            The head should be tilted slightly towards the ground and be in line with the back. Now you are completely in a downward facing dog pose.

What are the benefits of Adho Mukha Svanasana

This helps to stretch the body and strengthen all the parts.

- Legs, shoulders and arms are strengthened.

- Back pain is relieved.

- This yoga  is beneficial to remove headache, insomnia problem and fatigue.

- People who are suffering from mental problems like anxiety, anxiety and depression, they should practice it daily.

3. Crocodile Pose  (Makarasana)

Crocodile Pose  (Makarasana)

How do you do crocodile pose [Makarasana] ? 

·        Lie on your stomach, chin (chin), chest and stomach are touching the ground.
·        Make the distance between your legs equal to your yoga mat.
·        Now lift your head and bring both hands to the cheek and make a cup shape.
·        Slowly bring both the legs up towards your hips and then slowly move down.
·        It was a cycle.

What are the merits of Makarasana?

For shoulder pain: It provides relief in shoulder pain.so it is very important yoga for back pain
For the spine: This is the best yoga practice for the spine. Keeping this entire spinal cord healthy
Back Pain: This is a great yoga practice for back pain. With its regular practice, you can get rid of back pain forever.
For Depression: By practicing this asana you can overcome depression to a great extent.
To relieve tiredness: It is very beneficial in removing tiredness.
In this way you do ten cycles.

4. Cobra Pose (Bhujangasana)

Cobra Pose (Bhujangasana)

What are the steps of Bhujangasana?

·        Lie flat on the ground, keep the padanguli and head straight on the ground.
·        Keep feet straight, feet and ankles also together.
·        Keep both hands equal to both shoulders, and keep both elbows near and parallel to the body.
·        Taking long breaths, gently raise the forehead, then the chest and later the stomach. Keep the navel on the ground.
·        Now, with the support of both hands, lifting the body up, pull it towards the back of the waist.
·        Observe: Maintain equal weight on both arms.
·        Inhaling with reflex, straighten both hands while slowly turning the reed joint even more; Look up, raising the neck.
·        Consider: Are your hands away from your ears? Keep your shoulders relaxed.

·        Elbows can also bend if needed. You can learn to give the back more curvature by keeping the elbows straight, by continuing the exercise as you go.
·        Keep in mind that your feet are still straight. Keep a light smile, take long breaths and smile Bhujang.
·        Tighten the body according to your ability, too much folding can cause harm.
·        While exhaling, first slowly bring the stomach, then the chest and later the head back to the ground.

What is the benefit of Bhujangasana?

·        Relaxing yoga for shoulder and neck pain
·        Strengthening the abdominal muscles.
·        Reinforcing the entire back and shoulders.
·        Making the upper and middle parts of the spine more flexible.
·        To get rid of fatigue and stress.
·        Extremely beneficial for asthma and other respiratory diseases (do not use this asana when an asthma attack continues).

5. Garudasana | Eagle pose

Garudasana  Eagle pose

How do you do Garudasana?

·        First you stand upright.

·        Move the right foot from the top of the left foot to the other side. If your thigh is thick, you may have trouble doing it first. On the other hand, those with thin waist and thin thighs can easily practice it.

·        Make the arms interlock like each other.

·        Keep the interlocked hands in front of the chest like the thong of a eagle. Balance by bending the knee.

·        Do this by moving the left foot over the top of the right foot.
·        It was a half cycle.

·        Then do it from the other side.

·        Now a cycle happened.

·        In this way you do three to five cycles

What are the benefits of eagle pose?

·        For shoulder strengthening: It makes your shoulders strong and relieves shoulder pain.
·        Peace in mind and body: The practice of this asana brings peace in mind and body and maintains harmony in the body.
·        Reduces testicles: Its regular practice can prevent testicles from growing.
·        For strengthening the feet: It makes the legs and thighs strong.
·        To make the anus healthy: With its regular practice it has been found useful in patients with anus, rectum, and bladder.
·        Beneficial for the knees: It increases the activation of joints, relieves pain of knees, feet and joints.

6. Bow Pose (Dhanurasana)

Bow Pose (Dhanurasana)

Performing Dhanurasana strengthens the chest, thighs and shoulders. It is very important yoga for shoulder pain
This posture makes the reed bone strong and flexible. Relieves normal back pain.

Dhanurasana strengthens the digestive system of the body. Complicated diseases related to stomach such as acidity, indigestion gas, sour belching and general abdominal pain are overcome.

How do you do a beginners bow pose?

·        First of all, choose a clean and comfortable place, after that sit on a mat. (Note - Any posture is more beneficial than doing open air posture.).

·        To start Dhanurasana, first of all lie on the mat. Then apply your chin (Chin) to the ground. Put both your hands in the direction of the feet and keep them on the ground near the waist. The palms of your two hands (Palms) should be bent towards the sky.

·        Now forward, raise both legs up by kneading both your knees. When both the feet of your feet come to both the hips, then with your hands, hold the ankles of both feet.

·        Remember that while holding the ankles of the feet, the hands should be straight with both elbows.

·        Now slowly take a deep breath inside the body and pull both your legs backwards. And at the same time try to raise both thighs and hips above the ground. (Note- inhale even while raising the hips).

·        When you are raising both thighs and hips above the ground, along with that, keep your chest and neck also above the ground.

·        When the chest is fully elevated, then try to move your uplifted neck as much as possible. (Nore- Do not try too much as you start having neck pain).

·        Try to stay in this posture for as long as possible (ten to twenty seconds). After that, bring the hips and thighs slowly towards the ground. And also bring the front part of your body, ie chest and head, to the ground.

·        Now free the ankles held by both hands and keep the hands in the same position as they were while starting the posture.

·        Slowly straighten both bent knees and place both feet on the floor as before. (Note- When you are getting free from Dhanurasana posture, that is, bring the head, chest, thighs and hips down to the ground, then the breathing is to be released outside the body.).

·        In the end, he kept taking it for a while. And start the second set when fatigue is away. And after doing three sets, rest in "Savasan".

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