Adho Mukha Svanasana means | benefits of Adho Mukha Svanasana

Adho Mukha Svanasana | Down-ward Facing Dog

What does Adho Mukha Svanasana mean ?

Adho Mukha Svanasana,Down-ward Facing Dog

Meaning of adho mukha svanasana  , The downward facing Svanasana is mainly composed of 3 words. The first word is 'Adhomukh' which means to face downwards. While the other word is 'svan' which means dog. The third word is 'asana' which means to sit. The downward facing dog is also known as the Downward Facing Dog Pose.


  • Adhomukh  - face

  • svan  -  dog

  • asana - sit

  Adho Mukha Svanasana  Pronounced as OORD-vah-MOO-kah-shvah-NAS-anna.  It is a very simple yogasana, which is considered beneficial for health.. It is also considered an important Yoga poses for beginners

This asana is called the downward facing dog, because while doing this asana, the pose is created exactly as the dog makes it while bending forward and pulling its body. The downward facing dog is an essential part of Surya Namaskar and it helps in strengthening the whole body as well as making the muscles flexible. 
The low-lying bronchosphere helps relieve stiffness in the shoulders and increase the spine and keep the legs straight. This asana is considered an important posture in many asanas of yoga posture, so most people practice this yoga pose.
The process of performing Adho Mukha Svanasana Yogasana is very easy and any person who has started practicing yoga can do it easily. This yogasana is very beneficial and it must be added to daily yoga practice.

Adhomukhvashanasana method or method of doing yoga

  1.  In Adho Mukha Svanasana yoga, first stand upright and keep a distance between the two legs.
  2. Then slowly turn downwards to form a V like Shape.
  3.  As you see in the above photo, make a little bit between the two hands and feet.
  4. While breathing, pull your waist backwards with the help of your feet.
  5. Do not bend your legs and arms. By doing this, the back of your body, arms and legs will get a good stretch.
  6.  Take a long breath and stay in this yoga pose for some delay.

What are the benefits of Adho Mukha Svanasana/ Downward dog ?

  1.    This posture gives energy to the body and refreshes you. 
  2.   This posture makes the spine flexible. Strengthens the chest muscles and increases lung capacity.
  3.  It provides strength to the whole body. Especially the arms, shoulders and legs.
  4.  Strengthens the muscles and increases blood circulation in the brain.
  5. provides peace in the brain and is very beneficial in headache, sleeplessness, fatigue etc.
  6. Digestive system improves
  7. Even if the body does not turn completely in the downward facing dog, but this asana gives a good massage to the internal organs of the body. Leaning the legs increases the pressure on our digestive system. The organs affected by this asana include liver, kidney and spleen or spleen.

Downward dog posture precautions

  1. if you have high blood pressure
  2. Eyes capillaries are weak Do not do this asana if you are suffering from shoulder injury or diarrhea
  3. People who have had surgery and with neck or back injury should not practice these poses


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