Sinus | Yoga Poses for Sinusitis

Sinus | Sinusitis | Cure by Yoga Poses

Sinus | Sinusitis | Cure by Yoga Poses for beginners

Some people are always complaining of cold and cold, in which most of the cases are of Sinusitis. This problem starts as the common cold and then exacerbates with bacterial, viral or fungal infections. 

Many people use medicines to get rid of it, but they do not have much effect. To avoid this disease, with the help of medicines, some such yogasan can be taken which will also keep your health well, Some yoga poses for beginners have been considered important for Yoga Sinusitis.

What is sinus (sinusitis)

There are many air filled cavities (hollow holes) in the skull. They help in breathing. These holes are called sinuses. When the mucus gets filled in these holes and the sinuses are closed, due to which the person has difficulty in breathing.

What are the symptoms of sinus? (Sinus Symptoms)

However, most people say that they did not know when they got sinus.
But, it is not correct to say that like any other problem, this nasal disease also has some symptoms, which indicate its occurrence.
Therefore, if a person sees these 5 symptoms, then he should inform the doctor immediately.

1.     Headache- This is the main symptom of sinus, in which the person has a headache and for this he has to take headache medicine.

2.     Feeling of heaviness in the nose- Another symptom of sinus is that in this condition one feels heaviness in the nose.In this situation it becomes difficult for anyone to do their work.

3.     Fever - It is often seen that some people get fever when they have sinus. Although it is possible to treat it with normal medication, it is still the right step to consult a doctor.

4.     Cough- Some people may also cough when they have sinus. If a person has it, he should inform it to his doctor.

5.     Swelling on the face- If a person has swelling on the face around the nose, he should check it.

 Yoga Cure to Sinus

By doing Yogasan, the body is healthy and also relieves sinus.
Let us know  such postures which along with providing relief from sinus, will also keep you healthy.

Adho Mukha Svanasana | Down-Ward Dog Pose| Yoga poses for beginners

  • Bend the body and touch the floor with your hands and feet.

  • Hide the calves on the floor and place the knees below the hips.

  • Now, slowly raise your legs and pull your back as the dog pulls.

  • Make sure to keep your palms flat on the floor and try to make your back straight.

  • Hold for 4-5 breaths and back to original position.

  • Repeat

Benefits of Adho Mukha Svanasana

This yoga is more beneficial in sinusitis.

Stretches the shoulders, legs, spine and entire body.

Builds strength in the body, especially the arms, legs and feet.

Relieves fatigue and rejuvenates the body.

Improves blood flow to the sinus system, digestion and blood flow.

Calms the mind and lifts the spirits.

Nourishing and regenerating cells throughout the body while clearing out old waste products, increases circulation to both the blood and lymph systems.

Extends chest and strengthens lungs for better respiratory function.

This asana is most beneficial for sinus. Surya Namaskar posture is done in 12 ways and it should be done by facing the rising sun. If this is done regularly, sinus problems can be reduced.

3.Halasana | Plow Pose

Halasana | Plow Pose | Yoga poses for beginners

First lie down on the ground and place both hands on the ground. Now release the breath slowly and then lift the legs upwards. After that, while moving the legs backwards, place the fingers on the ground. Stay in this state for 2 minutes and then become normal.This yoga has been considered more beneficial in sinusitis.

4. Anulom Vilom

Anulom Vilom | yoga poses for beginners

To do this, you must first come to a state of happiness. Then press one nose with the thumb and pull the breath in from the other nose. Now do this process with other nose also. Do this yoga for about 8-10 minutes daily.

Bhujangasana | Cobra pose | yoga poses for beginners

Doing this provides relief in the sinuses. To do this asana, lie down on your stomach, mix both feet, ankles and toes together and stick it completely with the ground. Place your body from the toes to the navel. Now place your hands on the ground in front of the shoulders. Both hands should not be behind the shoulders. Tilt the upper part of the navel upwards as much as possible.

 Bow Pose | Dhanurasana

Bow Pose | Dhanurasana | Yoga Poses for Beginners

By doing this asana, breathing problems are removed and stress due to sinus is also removed. To do this, lie flat on the mat. Place your chin on the ground. Bend the feet with your knees and hold the paws of the feet with both hands. Then raise the head, shoulders, chest above the ground while pulling the breath in and keeping the arm straight. In this position, keep the breath normal and after four to five seconds, while exhaling, slowly bring the chest, shoulders and chin towards the ground first. Leave the claws and rest for a while. Repeat this action 3 times.

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